Let me introduce myself. But before saying anything about the technical skills, let me tell you my favourite things in life.
I love these four things:
1- Design 2- Code 3- Music 4- Food
Over nine years of experience in graphic design, web design and marketing, make me able to create modern websites, which, can be compatible with marketing and SEO purposes. I actively explore new technologies and stay up-to-date on industry trends and progressions.
I enjoy coding and the way that I can implement my ideas in the real web world. Learning web technologies made me stronger for more severe challenges and also more known for making creative ideas. I have worked as a freelancer and a part of the team in various projects, and I have used different web technologies and CMSs for making websites.
Music is my passion, and it balances my life. Coding and design are sometimes stressful, and you need a scape to relax and be ready for the next week. Music has that rule in my life. Playing and enjoying music during the weekends.
It's what you need to recharge your engine to be more creative and productive. A delicious food can make everything easier to do.I am a multidisciplinary designer with a strong background in music, ready to make your scenario.